Tools Guide

01 Sep 2023

September 2023 Feature Updates – What’s New in Pebble

As a new month begins, we have some fresh Pebble updates to share.

In September we’re dropping features that’ll help you track your campaign’s ROI, allow you to prioritize the high-value leads and more.

Let’s get into the details.

KPIs and Metrics – Zero in on the metrics that matter

The significance of tracking your business’s performance and understanding your key performance indicators (KPIs) can’t be understated.

Being able to quickly know where you stand means a lot.

It can give you peace of mind or much-needed motivation or even help you pinpoint minor workflow or spending issues before they become a major headache.

To that end we’ve been hard at work, closely considering your feedback, to refine this feature before we start shipping it out in the coming months.

The goal is to deliver a tool that gives you a clear bird’s-eye view of your business and allows you to hone in on the metrics that matter.

Deal Value – See estimated income at a glance

What’s the first thing you wonder when new deals come in?

Probably “What are these potentially worth to me?”.

Well, your deal board just got an upgrade: deal value estimates.

With this update, you can add an estimated value for each deal in seconds, a value you’ll be able to see everywhere in Pebble. If you get a message in your inbox from that lead, the value is there.

Click the property, you’ll see the value.

This is optional to include, but the biggest benefit of adding a value is being able to prioritize more effectively. By attaching an estimated deal value to each opportunity, you can identify high-value prospects and allocate resources accordingly.

Campaign Spend – Manage & and analyze campaign spend efficiently

Before those deals start coming, you might have some other questions, like, “How much have I spent on my campaigns and what return am I generating from that spend?”.

Our soon-to-be-released Campaign Spend feature will help you answer both questions by enabling you to track how much you’re spending per campaign – whether inside or outside of Pebble.

Whatever you spend, wherever you spend it – be it texts, calls or mailers – you can centralize how you monitor your cash outflow in Pebble and understand your ROI instantly.

Look out for a future upgrade where spending on mailers out of Pebble is automatically tracked.

Phone Enhancements – Control ring time

We hear you loud and clear; part of the phone strategy for many Pebblers is to drive people directly to voicemail.

That means being able to adjust the ring time and set the number of seconds the phone rings before a call goes voicemail.


You can change that in your inbox settings from a newly added drop-down menu.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that mean the most, right?

Help Beacon – Submit tickets, ask questions in-app

Your satisfaction is our priority and we’re dedicated to improving your experience all around, which is why we’re introducing the new Help Beacon.

Initially, Slack was our way of handling support but we realized tickets were getting lost in the noise. Not good!

To fix that we created a more reliable and centralized way to track tickets and ensure all of your feedback is being addressed. 

If you look at the bottom right of the app now – on all pages – you’re going to be able to find a little beacon that you can click and quickly submit a ticket.

So, whether you have questions, need clarification or require technical support, the Help Beacon is your go-to solution.

See You in October!

That’s it and that’s all for September, we’ll be back in early October with the latest developments as we continue to roll out more user-driven improvements.

Keep an eye out for our updates, which will be available here and over on YouTube. We also regularly post smaller updates and land investing insights on our Instagram account, @pebble.rei.

Our goal is to make your Pebble experience better, so feel free to tap that Help Beacon and shoot over any questions, comments or feedback.

Until next time, happy investing!

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