Podcast Episode #19

18 Dec 2019

How Virtual Wholesaling Forced Us To Systemize and Scale

2 best friends from up in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, Josh Alter and Steve Enns run a successful and growing Virtual Wholesaling business. Working out of both Texas and Atlanta, the two believes that running a virtual business has forced them in to a position to systemize with precision in order to succeed.

Listen to this episode as the duo shares their thoughts on how running a business is an expereince of trial and errors and sometimes that even means going against conventional thinking like having boots on the ground, which was being outperformed by them closing on the phone rather than someone in the market locally.

Not only that the two share some of the tools that allow them to automate and scale, and how they have structured their team to win in these markets virtually.

Podcast Transcription:

Jessey Kwong
Hey there. Welcome to the REI Conversion Podcast where each episode we discuss strategies and digital tools to help you launch, automate and scale your real estate investing business, learn how to run your investing business remotely. Find out ways to automate your business, to better utilize your time and learn what other successful investors are implementing so you can get to the next step closer to your investing goals. And I’m your host and founder of REI Conversion. Jessey Kwong.

Jessey Kwong
Hey, how’s it go on everyone? This is Jessey of the REI conversion podcast. We’ve got another very special guest on today, actually two guys, Josh Alter and Steve Enns from their investing company called Tallbridge Investments. , little dudes, Steve and Josh. No, it was at their meetup. That really helped me meet some key important people, which brought me here today and that was a roughly few years ago in Vancouver, Canada, where my family is. And um, it was my very first meetup, so thank you guys for holding that. And Josh and Steve, how’s it going today?

Steve and Josh
Everything’s great and good man.

Jessey Kwong
Awesome. Now, both Josh and Steve are running a virtual wholesaling company all the way from Canada. That’s right. They ar e working not only out of state but out of the country. And that’s what I brought them here to talk about. Um, running a, an investing business virtually any around the world, anywhere around the world. And, uh, you guys are doing this full time, right?

Steve and Josh
Yeah, no, absolutely. And then so yeah, right on.

Jessey Kwong
So, uh, Steve and Josh, welcome to the show. Great to finally have you guys on a, took us a little bit of back and forth. Uh, cause I know you guys are crazy busy and you guys sort of head back, uh, to, to, to the States sometimes as well. But anyways, so Steve and Josh, can you quickly share a bit about who you guys are and what you guys are currently up to?

Steve and Josh
Um, yeah, so this is Steve here. So we are, um, you know, we’ve been best friends for probably 13, 14 years now. Um, and really this whole, this whole business started over a breakfast, uh, that we had one morning with our sons, um, who at the time were about three years old, three, two years old, two, three years old. And um, you know, this whole idea, this whole idea or this conversation of legacy kinda just came from nowhere. And it was something that Josh brought up and something I have been thinking as well. And you know, we both were working, you know, our nine to five jobs, if you want to call it that, but in the corporate world, right. And, uh, downtown, um, and you know, just something, you know, for me anyways, like I always wanted to do my own thing and start a business and I know Josh had aspirations of doing the same and we started having this conversation and you know, he brought up this, um, the seminar that he had free tickets to, uh, you know, that was about a month out and um, went to it, it was a real estate seminar and really didn’t know much about it other than, you know, kinda didn’t want to go. At the time because it was a full day, full weekend thing. And you know, we ended up going and from there really that’s when things started for us. You know, the, the whole concept of wholesaling, um, was brought forward and, um, you know, that was a concept that we knew nothing about. And, um, really, you know, we were to it and, you know, shortly thereafter really kind of started playing. Lee who is on our dispositions team, who’s based out of Texas is messaging me about a deal that we’re trying to close right now. So….

Jessey Kwong
You know, it’s, it’s, it’s funny how sometimes we end up going, I mean, it was just like the same thing with the meetup. Uh, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go, but I met some people on Biggerpockets and they were like, Hey, you know, we should meet up. And, um, you never know where you can end up at. Um, sometimes with, with just like the smallest, just putting a little bit of effort into something and you, you know, like, like, look what happened to you guys. You just never know where you can end up, which is great to see what you guys have blossomed into. Um, so you mentioned Texas. What, what States do you guys currently invest in? Do you guys mind sharing that?

Steve and Josh
Yeah, so, um, Austin, Texas was really our first market, um, which we, I guess we started focusing in on three or so years ago, three and a half years ago. And then we’ve since kind of broadened out throughout the state, predominantly central Texas. And then about two months ago, we officially opened up a second market and I say official because we started to actually spend marketing dollars to drive leads. Um, and that’s in, uh, sort of the Atlanta MSA area. So we’re now, you know, active in, in two markets officially. And, and, um, yeah, basically kind of doing deals in both. But, you know, the whole, the whole premise of our businesses is running and operating and scaling and here locally and in Vancouver on the, on the Westcoast. So we’ve made a lot of changes with our, our local teams in those markets. We, you know, we’ve various times have had several people working for us and we’ve just found, you know, for us to really scale and realize our vision, um, it means, you know, building a team here and truly kind of going virtual and we sort of kept going back and forth over the years and, um, you know, sort of this vision we had a couple of years ago about an office environment here and running and doing deals kind of right across the States. Um, it just, you know, it, it took us a couple of years of sort of exploration, I guess you could say and trying different things to realize that, that vision from few years ago is really still, you know, what we want to work towards. So we’ve, we’ve made a really conscious, intentional effort to go after that now. And, and, um, it’s, it’s a very exciting time for us.

Jessey Kwong
So you mentioned that you guys do go, go back and from across the border, like, you know, is that to do with wholesaling? Why do you being virtual wholesalers, why do you need to actually head back to state side for business?

Steve and Josh
Well, I don’t know if we, you know, it’s necessarily a requirement at all. I mean, we, the, the major reason, like we’re not actually going into the markets that we do work with or work in much at all if, if, if hardly ever. The reasons why we go down to the States is more so for our education and to, to meet up with, um, I guess key people that we want to bring on as our mentorship kind of executive team. Um, you know, and I meet with them and learn more about like their, their business and what they’re doing well and what’s going well and learn about new systems and, and, you know, ways of doing things. So when we’re going down in the States, it’s, it’s rare that we’re actually going into any of the markets that we go to. It, it’s more like we’re, we’re seeking people that are, you know, doing this at a much larger scale than us. And, and taking from, from them what we like and then, and then kind of creating our own thing from that as well. So that’s, that’s why we go to the States.

Steve and Josh
Yeah. And, and you know, just to put that into to real context, like for the first two years of doing deals, we never visited Texas. Like we’ve quite physically never left Vancouver. And it was kind of like a bit of a joke for a while. You know, we were kind of these Canadians doing deals in Texas and no one could kind of wrap their heads around it. And for the longest time we almost kind of felt like it was sort of like our, um, I don’t know, like it was kind of most bad luck. We almost didn’t want to go to the market and eventually we did because we had a team and we wanted to go and, you know, meet people face to face and meet a lot of the investors that we had been sort of working with over the years. But you know, the reality for us is, you know, being virtual just forced us to systemize, you know, really all aspects of our business. Um, and that’s kinda what has allowed us in a position is now really to scale.

Jessey Kwong
So you mentioned the systemizing and you guys are again, remotely running this all in another country. Um, is there something you feel that you are doing uniquely in your operations to be able to run this out of the country? Um, is there something that you’re doing systematically different, say from somebody who is virtually wholesaling inside of, inside of United States? Um, yeah. Again, is there something unique that you guys are doing with your operations in that sense?

Steve and Josh
Well, that’s a very tough question to answer because, um, I mean I think everyone has their own journey, right? And, and part of that is like, you know, you trial things and we’ve tried a lot of things and it’s failed. Um, so, you know, it’s tough to say if we are doing anything that that’s unique, it’s sure new to us and unique to us. Um, and so, you know, I think looking back on the last four years, what at the time wasn’t really being done, um, by many people, uh, was this whole idea of not being in a market, um, and, and transacting deals, right? Like getting property, uh, under contract without physically meeting someone in person or seeing the property. And this is before, you know, Offer Pad by Zillow. This was before, um, you know, all of the I home buyers and, and when Josh and I started this, there wasn’t a lot of people doing this and, and not especially not any content on how to do this virtually.

Steve and Josh
So, you know, when we decided that we work on and do this in Vancouver and that we were going to do this in, in Austin, I mean, kind of just like we had to find a way to do it and to close deals over the phone so that at the time was unique. And what we, we’ve tried, and Josh mentioned this earlier, like we tried, you know, a number of different things. Like, we’ve tried hiring people down in, in, in the market, like in Austin and having boots on the ground. And, you know, what we found is that our closing ratio was just, it wasn’t that we weren’t as effective closing deals over the phone in person as we were over the phone. So we were, which seems, you know, very unusual. How could we close better, have a better closing percentage over the phone without meeting someone. And, and, um, and so we went back, we reverted back to what we were doing that was working. So conventional wisdom would say like, no, that doesn’t work, but then, you know, and because of that is why we went and did this, you know, hire people locally. But then we found out that, you know, kind of the untraditional method is what works for us. And that’s exactly what, you know, we’re really good at. Like to this day, I’m hearing my guys, our guys are acquisition guys on the phones right now and like they’re giving offers, you know, in seven minutes they’re getting buyers on our sellers on the phone and we’re closing deals, you know, in one, two phone calls. Um, and that’s, that’s like the, the speed in which the transactions are happening is crazy. And so I think that’s something that we’re doing really well and it’s probably different than a lot of people and what they’re doing.

Steve and Josh
I mean, I can also think of a couple instances where like, literally I’ve been on the phone with, uh, with a homeowner who’s wanting to sell. He has an appointment that’s actually, you know, 15 minutes out and, you know, just basically able to, I say to him, I say, look like, what, what is it going to cost me to, for you to cancel this other appointment? Right? And so the ability for us to get in front of people and to weld that confidence and that rapport and to close deals quickly is, I think it’s really our kind of our secret sauce, secret sauce. A bunch of other stuff that goes in there and, and that’s, you know, like there’s a whole other element to that is like, well how do you get the phone to ring? How do you get in front of those people? How once you, like, how like, yeah, it’s great that you, you can, you can do that, but how do you get the volume in, in order to, to close more deals? Right. And, and that’s the other element to it that, you know, Josh especially is, is, um, you know, he’s a genius at.

Jessey Kwong
I see. Right on, um, you talk a lot about your team. Um, can you tell us a little bit about your team? How big is it? Um, you know, who do you have locally? Who do you have virtually, uh, how does that all sort of fit in, in the picture with your company?

Steve and Josh
Yeah. Yeah. So, so the structure of our wholesale companies relatively similar to most, right? So we have the marketing arm, we have our sort of our sales arm, which, you know, our acquisitions and dispositions fall under. And then we have sort of the, uh, I guess the operation transaction finance piece, right? So, um, we’re headquartered here in Vancouver. Our core sales teams or our inside acquisitions or home buying specialist as a refer refer to them sit here in Vancouver. So we have two, two, two guys here that are full time. Uh, they’re basically, there are closers, right? And they report up into Steve. Um, and then in Texas we have our dispositions manager. So he basically manages, uh, sort of the investor piece of the equation of actually selling the contracts, right? Our transaction coordinators, Sabrina, she’s based in Texas as well. Um, and that’s sort of like our core.

Steve and Josh
So there’s really the core six. Um, and then beyond that we’ve really been rounding up our virtual teams. So we have, um, which kind of falls under the marketing umbrella currently is our cold call team. So we have four full time cold callers. Um, and then we do a significant amount of SMS, RBM marketing as well. And so we have a team of three VA’s that basically just manage all of the inbound messages that come in to qualify. And push those over to our acquisitions team. Uh, and then there are three others, three other VA’s, uh, that support kind of our marketing process and more sort of like the debt, data reporting and analytics of our business. So, um, yeah, that’s kinda, that’s the core team.

Jessey Kwong
So you guys have a good mix of people locally that you work face to face with and then people in the market and then virtually as well. So almost a group of what 10 to 15 people sounds like?

Steve and Josh
Right. And, and really like, you know, when we look forward to this next year, a significant amount of our growth is gonna happen here in Vancouver. So, you know, really bolstering up our acquisition and disposition team. The operational aspects of our, of our company are going to be here in Vancouver because we’ve just realized that’s important to us in terms of, you know, recruiting, hiring, motivating, fostering a culture and environment that is fun, inspiring. Um, you know, it’s something become really clear to us that we, we know we want to create and be a part of. So, um, and plus it aligns with this idea of, you know, really building a virtual company. Right. And our ability to, and particularly Steve is close to this team, you know, coach, mentor, motivate all that we need to have these people close to us. So, um, that’s where a lot of the growth is going to happen next year.

Jessey Kwong
Has it ever thought about, has, has the thought ever, you know, gone through you guys where Hey, maybe we should be in the market that we’re working in or you guys always valued being in Vancouver and you want it to stay there. What was sort of the thought process with that?

Steve and Josh
Um, yeah, not like, you know, we made a decision pretty quickly to do this virtually. And to be honest, like I guess maybe a bit ignorance, uh, early on we kind of didn’t know what we didn’t know, but if I had to do it all over again, I would do it the same way. Like I, I find doing it virtual, it forces you to in many ways be a little more strategic about how you approach the business. Cause you know you have to be much more reliant on systems and process and KPIs and the numbers to be able to manage, you know, the, you know, the volume of business from, from far away. Right. And so, um, I don’t, I personally, I don’t, I don’t, not, I don’t see any, any reason at all.

Jessey Kwong
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Jessey Kwong
Um, well let’s, let’s talk about tools. Uh, there’s, there’s a lot of, um, you know, I’m sure you guys, you’re talking about systemizing, uh, you know, we talk a lot about digital tools here as well. So is there any sort of specific digital tools or tools in general that you guys use to help you systemize and automate, um, that you want to share with us that has made a huge impact with your business?

Steve and Josh
Sure. So, you know, I guess that at the core is, is our CRM, right? And particularly on the acquisition side of the business. So we use, pull up a version of Podio. Um, and you know, we’ve worked with Podio in various sort of flavors over the years, but we have a recently new setup that we’ve implemented just in the last couple of weeks that is really gonna set us up to scale. So that that’s kind of an anchor in terms of just keeping tabs of, of everything that’s going on, on, on the marketing side of the business. Um, we use, uh, Active Campaign is really kind of more on the email marketing and the investor side of our business. Uh, but initially, uh, we’re going to be integrating a lot of those pieces into, into, into our new Podio. So we really have kind of be operating particular acquisitions and dispositions out of one consolidated CRM tool.

Steve and Josh
Um, we also have a pretty awesome, um, phone system that’s integrated with, uh, with our Podio CRM, which is relatively new, but again is, is, is going to be, you know, foundational to our ability to scale. So we have all of our phone team both locally here in Vancouver and our virtual cold callers working under the same phone system that’s fully integrated with our CRM tool. So that, you know, just in terms of managing the volume and prioritizing and providing focus around who we’re talking to in the reporting, like it is something we’re really, really excited about. Um, and Steve, you know, can can talk to it too. But yeah, so that’s another, you know, big system that we’ve recently integrated, uh, to manage all, all the phone aspects of what we do.

Steve and Josh
What’s it like? I don’t want to like, um, the phone, like from a sales perspective and whether you’re, you know, in real estate sales or whatever. I mean, if you’re a sales driven organization, um, you know, the, the manual labor, some, you know, task of, you know, calling and deciding on who to call and, you know, is it a good lead, is it not, you know, really what we’ve been able to do here and accomplish, um, through this, the way that we’ve set this up is the leads are weighted, right? And it’s all automated through the system. So as an acquisition person, as a salesperson, you hop onto the system and you’re able to just get into a ready position and all the work’s done for you. The phone’s ringing, you’re speaking with people that more times than not have some motivation or interest in speaking to you. And you know, that’s, that for us is like, I think over the last four years for me personally, that is, that is, um, probably one of the most exciting things that I’ve witnessed here in the last few weeks is that we’re able to get on, get on, uh, on the system and have calls generate based on priority and, and, um, how interested of a lead they are so that we’re, we’re speaking to people that are, you know, motivated. Um, and that’s, that’s huge.

Jessey Kwong
So does that mean you guys have a process for pre-qualifying these leads? Are your VA’s doing that? How are you of get able to get them to that, you know, that priority and to take on those calls?

Steve and Josh
Yeah. So our V the VA’s, um, that we, that we have, uh, whether it’s through RVM or well, RBM goes to us SMS, uh, or cold calling, um, or just general follow up, um, because perhaps someone’s called us and we don’t know if they’re motivated or not. That’s all handled by our, our virtual, uh, you know, community or virtual.

Steve and Josh
It’s like we really want our closers to be closing, right? And so trying to, um, eliminate a lot of the, sort of the preliminary point of contact and follow up that you can get caught up in, you know, calling the hang ups and he’s like, it’s all in the followup, right? And so historically, you know, we, you know, we’d have our closers trying to reengage and qualify these, these leads. And as you probably know, Jessey, like so much of it is, it is a numbers game, you know, in terms of you, right? And so we want to make sure that, you know, if our closers can only talk to 20 people in a day, let’s make sure that those are at least prequalified they are, they’re interested in entertaining an offer. So then they can do their thing and leave our SMS team to be scraping through the, you know, 500,000 incoming messages. We get a day now and our cold caller team just kind of hammering, hammering lists over and over and follow up and try to reengage and qualifying and pushing them over as qualified leads for our acquisition team or our or closers to, to basically, you know, do their thing. So.

Jessey Kwong
Wow. It sounds like you guys have a huge process going on there. Um, so if there are other investors who want to start, uh, this out, you know, whether in a different state or virtually in a different country. Um What would you sort of how, what sort of advice would you have for somebody who wants to get started at doing what you guys are doing?

Steve and Josh
Get ready. It’s, it’s kind of something that, and this is a point that Steve has really driven home for me this year, is it’s like this idea of speed and certainty. It’s, it’s just taking action as quick as you possibly can and, and, and not over complicating things like what we’ve talked about here is, you know, four years in the making, getting started, it’s, you know, get on the phones, you talk to sellers, you network with investors, wholesalers and realtors like that. That to me is when you think about what’s going to get you closest to that, that revenue. It’s, it’s, it’s the basics. It’s the fundamentals. All the systems and the CRMs and all the other stuff are, are great. Um, but you know, if, if someone’s just getting started, it’s, you just got to talk to people and get comfortable with that process. Comfortable talking to who you are and what it is that you do and getting comfortable establishing rapport and doing it over the phone. Especially if you want to do this virtually. Right. And, and the sooner you can, you can kind of master that. Um, all that other stuff will kind of come into. So just taking this going quick, fast as you can, don’t allow yourself to get in the way, because that certainly is what happens with me when I, when I slow down, you know, you find a way to sabotage yourself, it seems like.

Steve and Josh
And I might, I might add to that, like, so, you know, there’s, there’s a couple things that come to mind. Um, you know, if you’re getting started and one is just, you know, getting started, I think a lot of people will have, you know, the, the intention of doing something. And the one thing that you know, I kind of come back to is, you know, when, when it was time for us to, you know, make a decision and quit, you know, I had all the reasons and excuses not to do it. Um, you know, mortgage, young family, um, you know, nothing really, you know, saved in terms of savings in the bank account. So, you know, like there were like on the surface, people would look at it and be like, you’re, you’re crazy. Um, but for me it was like this question just kept on surfacing and it was like, if not now, when not now, when, and like still to this day, like, you know, if, if not now, like we’re taking some pretty big risks here, calculated but still like pretty fricking scary stuff that we’re doing. Um, and the questions like, well, if not now, when like five years from now, like, you know, no, it’s now. And so that’s the first thing is like, you know, you got to commit to it and you got to do whatever it is that you need to do in order to get yourself in the position to succeed. And then, you know, the other thing that we did, I think is once we’ve answered that question is that we found like it was absolutely necessary for us to put ourselves in a position where we’re surrounding ourselves with people that have done this right, that are going through it, that, you know, we can talk to you because if I, if I talk to someone, um, you know, that’s not doing this or not building a business or not going out and, and, and, you know, putting themselves out there, they won’t understand, like they will not be able to relate to what it is that I’m going through when I feel like I’m failing. And I called Kent Clothier up and say, Kent, like, you know, I feel like this. And he’s like, dude, we’ve all been there man. Like, just get over it, uh, on the right path. I’m like, yeah, right. You know, Kent, Kent’s been there, Sean’s been there. And like, that’s the kind of network that we did not have at the beginning, but we were so intentional with the people that we went to. We went and sought after that. Like we have a pretty good group of people that we could call and say like, guys, like what do we do in this situation? Or I’m feeling like this and there’ll be like, yeah, they’ll take us out of it right away.

Steve and Josh
We’re also just kind of going a little bit deeper here and I won’t take up too much time with this, but the other big thing that you know is once you get in that position and you know what it is that you’re doing, it’s, you know, keeping track of what you’re doing. And this is what Josh has been really helpful with is keeping track of your key performance indicators. Like knowing exactly what it’s a, if it’s in a sales business, right? Like whether it’s real estate or, or whatever it is that you do, you need to know how many leads is it going to take for you to convert a sale. And if you don’t have those numbers, you will not know what’s working and what’s not. And so for us, like that was a, another, I think really big thing that, you know, almost almost killed us in the first year. But if it wasn’t for Kent, Sean Kent, Clothier, Sean, Terry, Justin Colby saying like, guys, you’ve got to get back in your business and understand these numbers, we probably would not be here today. So like that was a, you know, a huge, a huge thing for us. Um, and ultimately it’s like, you know, you got to surround yourself with the right people. But you know, this year for me what it’s been is like, and Raphael Vargas and, and you know, out of Orlando, uh, around the Tampa Bay, this is what they said, the, his group says is you take something, it might’ve been heavier that said it too, but you take something that’s complex, right? And everything that we’re talking about right now may seem very complex to the person that’s, that’s hearing this take what we’re doing. And it seems very complex in it, and there’s a lot of complexity behind it, but you simplify it, right? That’s, that’s where the funny is I think that we’re finding on right now is that’s where that’s where we’re having fun is taking these complex problems and simplifying it. And that’s, you know, that’s another thing that I think is really, you know, something that you know, is helping us move with more speed, more certainty and being more intentional with what it is that we’re doing. Because we’re asking ourselves the questions now like, you know, if not now, when is it worth it? If it’s complex, if there’s a problem, chances are there’s a pretty cool solution for it that’s going to make us some money. And that’s kind of what we’ve been focusing on.

Jessey Kwong
Yeah, a lot of what you said here, I can definitely relate to you. You guys sound like you have so much entrepreneurial experience and I’m sure a lot of people would love to listen to what you guys, you guys sort of teach or, or coach or educate or anything like that.

Steve and Josh
It’s a, it’s, it’s, it is. It’s certainly something we both are very interested in doing. So yeah, it’s sort of in our world, not for sure. Like we like to have conversations and impact and,

Jessey Kwong
Well, if one of our listeners does want to get in touch with you, uh, do you guys have a Facebook group or a Facebook group that you guys hang out at? Uh, where can, where can our listeners sort of find you guys?

Steve and Josh
Uh, well, from a company perspective, Tallbridge investments is the company. So if, if they were to look that up on Facebook, they’ll find us pretty quick cause our website Tallbridgeinvestments.com and then personally I’m on Instagram. I’m a real Josh Altar is my handle.

Jessey Kwong
And then there’s a fake Josh Alter haha.

Steve and Josh
Josh Alter, I’ll take it unfortunately. So I had to,

Steve and Josh
Mine’s officially officially just Steve. Yeah, Steve. Yes. Social justice, Facebook. So that’s officially just Steve. And then Facebook, uh, you know, Steve Enns look for the guy in Vancouver and Joshua altar, you know, in Vancouver. That’s probably the easiest way to connect. I mean we, we have, um, more so in the last, I’d say six months, we’ve had a lot of people come up to us and ask us if, um, you know, if coaching is something that we would consider doing and, and it is, we just want to make sure that, you know, we can, we can give 100% to the person that the people that we’re helping, right. And, and, um, because we want something that’s huge for us is, is helping people transform their lives, right? Inspiring people having an impact on their lives. Because the ripple effect from helping just one person and having it, you know, kind of, you know, trickle down into their family and their friendships and, and maybe they help inspire other people. It’s just such a, such a huge responsibility that we don’t take lightly. And it’s something that we want to make sure that we can completely, you know, do a hundred, 150% of, um, but if someone is in Vancouver, uh, in the Vancouver area, we are, we are going to be hiring, you know, so in, in the very near future, within a couple months, you know, we’re going to be hiring for four people. Um, we are also, um, what was I going to be, what was I saying I’m going to be hiring, we’re also going to probably most likely have some shared space there as well. So like if people wanted to rent out a desk and I’m working our environment, you know, not in a coaching capacity necessarily per se, but in a capacity where you know, you’re going to be around, you know, that the likeminded people, like going back to what I said earlier, like putting yourself in a position where you’re with people that understand and get you, you know, you’re not that outcast in, in a, in a world of people that you know, maybe just don’t understand what it is you’re trying to accomplish. And you tell them that you have a dream of $10 million in five years, they’ll be like, are you crazy? No, that’s not the bar. You’ll be in an environment where people are all saying that. Right. And it’ll go on for it and there to help you as well. I get through those, you know, kind of those, those darker times that we all face as entrepreneurs. And then, and then lastly, you know, just on social media as well. Um, you know, content is something that we were both determined to put more out. Um, and so if they follow us on social media and reach out, we try to do our best to respond to people. Um, you know, I just was speaking to someone today from New Jersey who has some questions for us. Um, and you know, we’ll do our best to try to take all the time there. Um, also we do a partnership, Josh, right? JV, so joint venture deals, co-wholesale deals. If you have a deal that you want help, you know, uh, disposing of selling, um, or even helping, you know, help acquire, like we have a team here that can help support you with that. S o there’s a lot of different things that we can do to help out right now.

Jessey Kwong
Well, um, thanks very much for taking the time and actually, um, speaking from the heart, I, I, I can definitely feel your guys’ passion with this and um, it’s great to see you guys are doing this again out of the country and I’d definitely love to bring you guys back on in the future if I can get ahold of you guys, um, and uh, share what you guys are up to. But, uh, thanks again very much for your time guys. Appreciate it. Appreciate it, Jesse. Thanks Jesse. Cheers. Before you stop this podcast or head to the next episode, I want to personally thank you for listening to this episode of the REI conversion podcast. If you found this helpful, we’d greatly appreciate an awesome review and rating on whichever platform you’re listening to this on. And if you have two minutes and wanted to step it up even more and help others, feel free to share this in other Facebook groups or pages or any communities, giving others a heads up of the REI conversion podcast or this specific episode that may help them on their investing journey. Once again, thanks very much for listening and catch you on our next episode.

Jessey Kwong
Awesome. Thank you very much. I met Robert Ashley. He is a customer of ours on REI Conversion. He’s like I said he’s also active member inside of the Facebook group. Robert, can you sort of introduce yourself a little bit? Talk a little bit quickly about your land investing?

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