Podcast Episode #15

07 Nov 2019

Hands-Off Land Investing with Virtual Assistants

In this episode we feature Dave Van Steenkiste who brings his experience of automating and running his business as hands-off as possible with the power of Virtual Assistants.

Dave shares his journey of land investing and explains how bringing on VA’s requires a specific mindset. Hear how Dave hires, delegates, and tracks his team of VA’s. Not only that, but how Dave sets a level of expectation for himself with his team in order to ensure he’s investing enough time and effort to encourage growth of his assistants to take on running his business for him.

You can also expect to learn about how much to pay VA’s, tools he uses, and cultural differences of VA’s from different countries.

We’re diving into VA’s specifically for real estate investing and how it can help your business automate and scale.

Show Notes

Loom – Great screen recorder to create instructional videos for VA’s
Hubstaff – Time tracker for your team
Trello – A flexible card and board organizer, great for organizing tasks for VA’s
Landmaster – VA’s just for Land Investors

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