Podcast Episode #2

25 Jun 2019

5x Your Property Leads With This Kind of Headline

In this episode #2, we discuss how better headlines can increase your property submission rate, helping you land and find more properties and profit from them.

Time-Stamped Show Notes

[00:03] Today’s Topic: How Headlines Will Get You More Property Leads
[00:53] I’m going to share 4 tips of writing better headlines specifically for getting more property leads.
[01:03] Tip 1: Keep it clear and succinct
[01:17] Tip 2: Always make it about your audience, never about yourself
[01:30] Tip 3: State your unique proposition
[02:05] Tip 4: Needs to be larger and above fold line
[03:01] The headline that has outperformed my other headlines
[03:30] Entire design also helps, espeicially above the ‘fold’
[03:50] Check out our high converting land buying website theme REI Landleads

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