Tools Guide

03 Nov 2023

November 2023 Feature Updates – What’s New in Pebble

November is here and along with the turkey comes a whirlwind of excitement as we unveil some fantastic new features and updates for Pebble.

As the days get shorter and the air turns crisper, we’re just heating things with powerful tools that’ll supercharge your land investment game.

Let’s dive right in and see what’s in store!

KPIs and Metrics: Going live!

We’ve been working on this for months and the revamped KPIs are no longer a distant dream – they’re ready for prime time and will launch in early November!

In our quest to make your Pebble experience even more insightful, we’ve leaped forward with our KPIs and metrics, making them more actionable than ever before.

Because having the right data at your fingertips is crucial for success and our new dashboard provides just that.

  • A comprehensive summary of your deals:
    • Deals created
    • Properties bought and sold
    • Transaction duration
    • Return on investment (ROI) – both at a glance and in granular detail
  • Stats build around your communication:
    • Amount of texts
    • Talk time on calls
    • How many emails sent
  • Mailer metrics:
    • How many letters sent
    • How many deals created
    • Response rate
    • Return on ad spend (ROAS) – no matter where you spend your marketing budget

Our new metrics also give you the freedom to filter data based on any date range, providing a historical perspective of your performance.

On top of that you can filter by team member which is huge for team leaders; allowing you to gauge your team’s activity over time in seconds and adjust as needed.

Automated follow-ups: Coming soon

Imagine effortlessly nurturing your leads with follow-up sequences that you went out automatically.

When a lead comes in, whether it’s through your site or a call, you can enroll them in a follow-up sequence that runs like clockwork.

Send them an email on day one, a friendly text message on day two, another email on day three, etc. – all without lifting a finger.

It’s like having a personal assistant that never takes a break!

But it doesn’t stop there.

You can even plan out and automate your physical mailings without needing to recreate the campaign.

When we launch this\ there will be some pre-loaded automations but our follow-up plans are fully customizable, so you have total flexibility to create your own. The possibilities are endless.

From email to text to mail, you’re in control.

And to make your life even easier, you can automatically fill in your contact’s name, the property details and an offer price. Say goodbye to repetitive data entry.

Imagine the potential here! You can create sophisticated, multi-step follow-up sequences that adapt to your leads’ responses. Send out offers, reminders and nurturing messages automatically.

It’s a game-changer for your lead conversion strategy.

Note: we might do a live demo in our virtual office so if you’re eager to learn more about this, meet some other land investors and share insights, let us know!

New demo video: The updated Pebble workflow

We’ve recorded a brand new demo video that includes the updates and new features we’ve been adding!

Check it out:

Newsletter for land lovers: Coming soon

We’re already keeping up to date with what’s happening at Pebble both with the platform and with content we’re creating to help you get to the next level as a land investor.

But that’s not enough.In the coming weeks you’ll see something new in your inbox: a newsletter that curates the best insights, advice and news from the top voices in the land investing space.

See You in December!

We’re excited for you to explore what’s new while we get back to building, look out for our next feature update in early December.

Remember, we also regularly post smaller updates and land investing insights on our Instagram account, @Pebble.rei.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, feel free to use the Help Beacon on our site.

Until next time, happy investing!

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