Podcast Episode #92

10 Aug 2023

House to Land Flipping (and Never Looking Back)

Refreshingly simple. Those are the two words Colin Murphy uses to describe land flipping after 2 decades in the house flipping game.

With so many transferrable skills between the two, it’s no surprise that more and more house flippers are finding success in land.

Are you ready to say goodbye to the headaches of homes? The inspectors busting your chops, the low appraisals, the buyer complaints, the permits, etc.?

If so, this episode is exactly what you’re looking for.

Not to say it’s all sunshine and rainbows though, succeeding in anything new takes time, effort and a heaping helping of resilience.

Colin transitioned over 18 months, doing both house and land flipping.

Listen in as he breaks down his journey out of one space and into the other.


  • Why now is the time to think about switching from house flipping to land flipping
  • Tips to successfully make the transition
  • Which skills are most transferrable


The Long Ships by Frans Bengtsson

Mindset by Carol Dweck

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

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