Tools Guide

17 Jul 2024

July 2024 Feature Updates – What’s New in Pebble

It’s toasty out there, our July updates might just be toastier 😉

From adding additional contact numbers to prepaid mailing campaigns and a free course for LPG users, let’s dive into the details of what’s new.

📞 Additional Contact Numbers: Better Contact Management

This one has been requested quite a few times and we’re excited to announce that you can now add multiple phone numbers for each contact.

Here’s what that means for you:

  • Add primary and secondary numbers: Store a primary number, like a mobile phone, and a secondary number, maybe a home or office phone, for the contacts that need it.
  • Improve communication: Collect and store key information while connecting with leads however they prefer.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us about features like this that make your life easier, we know these small but mighty changes really do make a difference!

✉️ Prepaid Mailing Campaigns: Upfront Pricing, Simplified Billing & Accounting

We’ve significantly enhanced our contacts management tools, helping you maintain and organize your We’ve revamped our mail campaign billing process to make it more transparent and manageable.


Lots of seemingly random charges from Pebble made accounting a challenge, especially since it wasn’t immediately obvious which was a campaign charge (or which campaign it was from) and what was a subscription charge.


  • Upfront cost estimates: Project the estimated cost of your campaign before it starts. Dial in your mail setting and get an approximation based on current mail rates.
  • Prepayment options: Choose to pay for the entire campaign upfront or just a portion, based on your budget.
  • Clear billing statements: Your credit card statement will now clearly indicate which campaign each charge is for, making accounting significantly easier.
  • Historical reporting: Access a running record of your campaigns, how much they cost and how many mailers were sent to spot trends in spending and mailing.

This upgrade aims to help you better plan and manage your mailing expenses, ensuring there are no surprises when the bill arrives.

Additionally, you can keep track of your usage balance, which is deducted as mail pieces are sent out. Anything left over can be carried forward to future campaigns, giving you more flexibility and control over your mailing budget.

📖 LPG with Pebble: FREE COURSE for Land Investors

LPG has done nothing short of a phenomenal job of educating many land investors; we know this because we work with many LPG students!

Whether you want to grow your land business or develop more robust strategies, LPG creates a great foundation for exploring the options.

And often that means folks find their way to Pebble.

Given that, we put together a free course, LPG with Pebble, designed to streamline the LPG method of land investing by using Pebble.

The course includes:

  • 5 comprehensive modules (plus 1 bonus): Covering marketing, lead management, communications, offers, document handling and automation.
  • Community support: Join a community of like-minded investors for tips and advice.
  • Time-saving tools: Enhance your investing workflow even further.

This course is perfect for those looking to integrate the LPG methodology seamlessly into Pebble.

The detailed modules cover everything from choosing your data source for marketing to automating follow-up communications and ensuring you have a complete system in place to handle all aspects of your land investing business.

Enroll now at (FOR FREE) to start optimizing your land process today.

🚀 That’s a Wrap – See You in August!

As always, we appreciate you being part of the Pebble community.

We’re committed to continuously improving Pebble to help you meet goals in land, so let us know what we can do better or what we can add to help you succeed.

In the meantime, stay informed, stay connected and let’s keep growing together!


Follow Us: Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, hit the notification bell, and follow us on social media (@Pebble.rei) for the latest updates, insights, and announcements.

Cheers to a productive month ahead!

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