Podcast Episode #117

15 Aug 2024

It’s a seller’s market, can cold calling save the day?

We’re very (very) much in a seller’s market and a lot of land investors are seeing their direct mail response rates crater. What can you do to keep the leads flowing and deals closing?

Alicia Jarret says the key to staying ahead of the marketing curve is zig when everyone zags and that everything in land is a numbers game.

For her, that meant not only doubling down on cold calling but bringing the entire operation in-house and building a service that filled the gaps she and other land investors were noticing.

In this episode, she breaks down everything from qualifying leads to follow ups to the importance of warm transfers.

Now is the time to experiment with your marketing, cold calling just could be the solution you’re looking for to speed up lead flow.


  • Why compliance matters more than ever for cold callers (hint: fines)
  • Learn the ideal length for an initial cold call
  • Discover the types of questions your callers should be asking


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