Podcast Episode #106

14 Mar 2024

The Cure to Your Scaling and Hiring Problems?

If there’s one truism about the land business, it’s that anyone can do it if they have the right attitude and stay consistent!

Kendall LeJeune’s journey to land success is cut from that very cloth, a teacher turned serial entrepreneur who does podcasting, coaching and runs a 5,000+ person online community alongside his thriving land business.

In this episode, he takes us behind the curtain, getting into the nitty-gritty of how he finds surefire hires (plus a hack to amplify accountability) and his onboarding process.

The big takeaway though? Processes.

Before you bring anyone on or scale, you need to dial in your systems, build detailed playbooks and understand each step personally.

It’s all much easier than it sounds when you hear Kendall break it down!


  • Why it’s important to embrace challenges and fear to get where you want to be
  • What to do if you’re starting with ZERO dollars to invest
  • How to help hire find their zone of genius

FB group: OnlyLandFans
Podcast: OnlyLandFans
Coaching: Contact directly via OnlyLandFans
Book: Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell

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