Podcast Episode #96

05 Oct 2023

The Entrepreneurship Balancing Act: Multiple Careers at Once!

Land investors are entrepreneurs at heart, but you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who embodies that pure entrepreneurial spirit more than Dave Denniston.

He has 3 (three!) successful land businesses and a conference devoted to land – all while balancing a thriving financial planning business and his own podcast.

Needless to say, it’s impressive.

And it’s that balance plus his strategic approach that this episode is all about. Dave takes us through how he built out those land businesses with his partners, put together a 15 to 20 person team and even created a CRM.

He also drops a lucrative job offer into the mix, so you don’t want to miss this one!


  • Tips and tricks for hiring and building your team
  • Why it’s important to be curious and try new things in business
  • Learn how access scrubbing can help you make the most of your mailing dollars

Fall 2023 Land Unconference Inner Circle

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