Podcast Episode #86

18 May 2023

Scaling Your Land Business: The Power of Repeatable Systems

Repeatable systems are the key to scaling your land business and buying your time back.

Getting processes out of your head and documented ultimately helps you get them out of your hands too, allowing you to delegate so you can focus on the highest value tasks.

They’re the difference between feeling like you’re an employee of your business, stuck doing endless admin, and being the owner that’s free to chart a path toward greater profit.

In this episode, we’re talking to the author of SYSTEMology, David Jenyns, about the benefits of creating systems, how to implement them and how to maintain them.

Oh, and systems aren’t only for teams, they can help a solo owner thrive and scale just as well.

In this episode listen and learn:

  • The importance of creating a culture that follows processes
  • The pain points to look out for when you start creating systems
  • How getting systemized can help you scale your land business faster

Travis King – Land Investing Mastery
Dirthacker Challenge

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