Podcast Episode #83

06 Apr 2023

Lean on the Land Investing Community to Grow Your Business?

A bias toward action, adaptability and not being afraid to ask for help are the keys to surviving in the land business. Stick with those pillars long enough and eventually, you’ll even thrive.

From flipping houses to flipping land and then building his team, Jesse Marchand takes us through the pivots that have brought him success and how the land investing community helped him get there.

With challenges being ever-present, it’s more critical than ever that you have the confidence to push the ego aside, raise your hand and ask questions of the community and/or your coaches.

It’s exactly what helped Jesse build the systems and team needed to weather any storm. Remember, land investing isn’t passive. Use your resources, get help when needed and be flexible.

In this episode listen and learn:

  • The importance of community for land investors
  • How hiring correctly reduces headaches
  • How asking for help pays big dividends

Clint Turner
Travis King – Land Investing Mastery
Dirthacker Challenge

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